cineMAGINE Presents

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cineMAGINE Presents are FREE French film presentations.

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Le pharaon, le sauvage et la princesse

Le pharaon, le sauvage et la princesse

1h22 - Animation - France, Belgique


3 tales, 3 epochs, 3 universes: an epic of ancient Egypt, a medieval legend of the Auvergne, an 18th century fantasy in Ottoman costumes and Turkish palaces, to be carried away by contrasting dreams, populated by splendid gods, revolting tyrants, cheerful vigilantes, astute lovers, princes and princesses doing nothing but their heads in an explosion of color. Synopsis©


La bonne épouse

La bonne épouse

1h50 - Comédie - France - Général (G)Accord Parental (PG)


Paulette Van Der Beck teaches young women how to become a good housewife with passion and distinction. Preparing good meals, scrubbing floors, bending to marital duty without grumbling, is an overview of the teachings given to the honourable Van Der Beck Institute. When her husband died, Paulette herself had to manage her school in financial difficulty. She is quickly overwhelmed by events, especially since her first love unexpectedly returns in her life and leads her to question the precepts she has been teaching for years with such fervour. Can a good wife become a free woman? Synopsis


AGA 2023 de cInéMAGINE

AGA 2023 de cInéMAGINE

- Lethbridge


Ordre du jour 1. Mot de bienvenue et ouverture de l’Assemblée 2. Lecture et adoption de l’ordre du jour 3. Lecture et adoption du procès-verbal de l’AGA du 8 juin 2022 4. Rapport de la présidence 5. Finances a) Présentation des états financiers 2022-2023 b) Nomination d’un expert comptable pour 2023-2024 6. Élections : a) Nomination d’un (e) président (e) d’élection b) Élections du CA pour les postes suivants : 1 président(e) et 5 postes de directeurs (trices) 7. Varia 8. Remerciement et levée de l’assemblée


Astérix, le secret de la potion magique

Astérix, le secret de la potion magique

1h25 - Animation - France - Général (G)


Following a fall during mistletoe picking, Druid Panoramix decides that it is time to secure the future of the village. Accompanied by Astérix and Obelix, he undertakes to travel the Gallic world in search of a talented young druid to transmit the Secret of the Magic Potion.


Le mystère Henri Pick

Le mystère Henri Pick

1h41 - Comédie - Franco-Belge - Général (G)


Dans une bibliothèque de Bretagne existe une pièce consacrée aux nombreux livres refusés par les maisons d’édition. C’est là qu’une jeune éditrice parisienne découvre le manuscrit d’Henri Pick. Elle le publie et le roman devient un succès foudroyant. Il attire l’attention de Jean-Michel Rouche, un célèbre critique littéraire qui met en doute la véracité de son auteur : un homme décédé dont la famille ignorait tout de son amour des mots. Au sein de son enquête obsessive, il reçoit l’aide insoupçonnée de la fille du défunt qui tente de mieux connaître son père.

Synopsis ©

Date de sortie au Québec : 14 juin 2019


La vrai famille

La vrai famille

1h28 - Drame - France - Accord Parental (PG)14A


Little Simon, six, has been living with his foster family of Anna, Driss and their two sons since he was 18 months old. This beautiful family portrait is however turned upside down when Simon’s biological father resurfaces after cleaning up his life. The latter obviously wishes to have legal custody of his son. Social services then came on board to oversee this difficult period of transition. A situation that particularly affects Anna, whom Simon has always called “Mom”, and whom she considers as her own son. Synopsis©




1h41 - Comédie - Québec - Général (G)


Ricardo a maintenant 21 ans. Quand l'amour de sa vie lui demande de l'accompagner en Italie pour suivre des cours d'été, le jeune homme ne peut s'empêcher d'accepter son invitation. Rempli d'espoir, Ricardo quitte le Québec à la poursuite de l'amour. Sur sa route, il rencontre une panoplie de personnages colorés, dont le bohème Arturo et le séducteur Mamadou, à travers lesquels il apprendra des leçons de vie importantes et nécessaires. Si les voyages forment la jeunesse, celui-ci transformera à jamais l'adulte que Ricardo est sur le point de devenir.

Synopsis ©




1h58 - Comédie - Québec - 14AAccord Parental (PG)


Arlette Saint-Amour, a young woman in the wind working in fashion, was offered the position of Minister of Culture by the Premier of Quebec who wanted to rejuvenate the image of her government. Upon her arrival at the National Assembly, she challenged conventions and drew media attention to her. She does not hesitate to go to war with the powerful Minister of Finance to get what she wants. However, his lack of experience in politics and his great temerity led him to take action that could lead to his loss. Synopsis ©




1h32 - Drame - Québec - 14A


Lors de sa fête d'anniversaire, organisée par ses amis proches pour ses 21 ans, Andie, une jeune femme dominatrice et manipulatrice, s'enlève la vie après avoir prononcé un long monologue déchirant. Les jeunes adultes ayant assisté à cette scène macabre sont marqués au fer rouge par cet évènement traumatisant. Chacun remet en question sa propre existence et est forcé d'entreprendre une douloureuse introspection. L'une tente de réfréner son désir de mourir, l'autre s'efforce de contenir sa rage et la troisième sombre dans la dépression. Tous rêvent de liberté, mais jusqu'où sont-ils prêts à aller pour l'obtenir?

Synopsis ©


Le sens de la fête

Le sens de la fête

1h55 - Comédie - France - 14A


Max has been a caterer for 30 years. At parties, he organized hundreds and problems, he solved thousands. He is now at the end of his rope and plans to sell his business. One of its most recent events is a grand wedding in a 17th century castle in France. Max coordinated everything to make the party perfect: he recruited his brigade of waiters and cooks, recommended a photographer, reserved the orchestra, coordinated the decoration and managed the expectations of his customers. Despite perfect coordination, marriage is about to turn into disaster. Max will have to do everything he can to save the day. Synopsis


120 battements par minute

120 battements par minute

2h23 - Drame - France - 14A


In the early 1990s in France, AIDS has been killing thousands of young people for more than a decade. Disappointed by the indifference of the French state and the hypocrisy of the pharmaceutical companies, the activists of the association Act Up-Paris organize various partisan events and activities to make the world understand the real dangers of the disease and the need to make it an imminent priority. Nathan is a newcomer to the revolutionary group. He will be particularly upset by the radicalism of Sean, himself suffering from the disease. Synopsis ©


Les as de la jungle

Les as de la jungle

1h37 - Animation - France - Général (G)


Maurice ressemble en tous points à un pingouin, mais il a la fougue d'un tigre. Il a d'ailleurs été élevé par une maman tigresse, dont la vocation était de protéger l'ordre et la paix dans la jungle. Cette mission incombe maintenant à Maurice, aidé de ses amis, les As de la jungle. Ces complices devront cette fois affronter un koala parfaitement diabolique, qui a bien l'intention de propager le mal autour de lui à l'aide d'explosifs qu'il a lui-même concoctés avec des champignons.

Synopsis ©


Ron débloque

Ron débloque

1h47 - Animation - Canada/EU - Général (G)


All kids have a B*Bot, a robot that can talk and move, supposed to be the best friend you can have, except Barney. Seeing that he suffers from this lack, his father decides to buy him one for his birthday, but since the wait is several months before the product is received, he gets a defective one. Barney quickly realizes that his B*Bot, named Ron, is not like the others; he doesn’t even know what friendship means. Despite everything, boy and machine will develop a special bond and when the company that created the B*Bot wants to recover Ron to destroy him, Barney will do everything to protect him. Synopsis ©


Les magnétiques

Les magnétiques

1h38 - Drame - France


A small town in the early 1980s. Philippe lives in the shadow of his brother, Jérôme, the black sun of the band. Between the pirate radio, the father’s garage and the threat of military service, the two brothers are unaware that they are living there the last fires of a world about to disappear. Synopsis Allociné


L’empereur de Paris

L’empereur de Paris

2h00 - Drame, Film historique - France - 14A


Surnommé l’évadé perpétuel, François Vidocq est une légende dans les mauvais quartiers de Paris. Après sa dernière évasion, il devient un simple commerçant qui tente de gagner sa vie honnêtement, jusqu’à ce qu’on l’accuse d’un meurtre qu’il n’a pas commis. Pour éviter la guillotine et obtenir sa lettre de grâce, Vidocq propose de se joindre à la police pour pourchasser les gens derrière ce crime. Alors qu’il fournit rapidement des résultats, ses confrères policiers refusent de collaborer avec un voleur. De son côté, la pègre parisienne a décidé de mettre une prime sur sa tête pour en finir. Vidocq doit choisir son camp ; être un homme d’honneur ou rester un criminel?

Synopsis ©

Date de sortie au Québec : 12 avril 2019


10 jours sans maman

10 jours sans maman

1h44 - Comédie - France


Antoine is the Director of Human Resources for a large company. When his wife decides to go on vacation and leave him in charge of their four children, he knows it will be easy. But Antony underestimated the disorder it could be. Synopsis ©


Astérix & Obélix : L'empire du milieu

Astérix & Obélix : L'empire du milieu

1h51 - Comédie, Comédie fantastique - France - Général (G)Accord Parental (PG)


Asterix and Obelix flow days happy to keep away the Roman troops. One day, Princess Fu-Yi arrives in the Gallic village. She asks the assistance of the most valiant warriors to help her mother: the Empress who is the victim of a coup d'état of Machiavellian Deng Tsin Qin. It doesn’t take more for the duo to take the road to the Orient. The magic potion may allow them to keep enemies away, but heroes will be deprived when love knocks at the door. Meanwhile, Caesar and his army headed for China to expand their domination. Synopsis ©


Terra Willy : Planète inconnue

Terra Willy : Planète inconnue

1h29 - Animation - France - Général (G)


After the destruction of their ship, young Willy is separated from his parents with whom he traveled in space. His escape pod lands on a wild and unexplored planet. With the help of Buck, a survival robot, he will have to hold out until a rescue mission arrives. Meanwhile, Willy, Buck and Flash, an alien creature with whom they have become friends, go to discover the planet, its fauna, its flora... but also its dangers.


Princesse Mila et le sorcier au cœur de pierre

Princesse Mila et le sorcier au cœur de pierre

1h26 - Animation - Ukraine


Mila is a princess who dreams of freedom. One day, when she finally managed to get out of the palace walls, she met Erik. Even before their friendship can rise to the level of a love story, Mila is kidnapped by the terrible Malafar who takes her to a magical land populated by strange creatures. Erik decides to find the princess immediately, despite the complex journey he will have to undertake. During this time, Mila does everything she can to make it very difficult for her office. Synopsis ©


Tout le monde debout

Tout le monde debout

1h48 - Comédie - France, Belgique - Général (G)


Le mensonge ne paie pas toujours et Jocelyn s'apprête à le découvrir. Homme d'affaires prospère, Jocelyn a construit sa vie en mentant impunément pour draguer les femmes. Un jour, il se retrouve à courtiser une jolie jeune femme, voisine de palier, en prétendant être handicapé, et ce, après un malentendu. Tout semble se dérouler comme il le souhaiterait jusqu'au moment où elle lui présente plutôt sa soeur qui est elle-même paraplégique. Des imbroglios sont à prévoir, mais cette rencontre, qui évolue rapidement en romance, pourrait bien faire grandir Jocelyn d'une manière qu'il n'attendait pas.
Synopsis ©




1h27 - Comédie - France - 14A


Vincent and Sophie have their own butcher shop and they’ve made good deals so far. But for some time now, their business has been booming, as has their couple. One disturbing event will shake everything up. Indeed, Vincent will commit the irreparable by killing a vegan activist who illegally broke into their store to ransack it. Riddled with remorse, Vincent still decides to remove the traces of his crime by transforming the inert body of the intruder into ham. The latter will then be inadvertently sold by his wife. This ham will be so successful with the clientele that Vincent will consider it a recurrence. Synopsis ©


L’incroyable histoire du facteur cheval

L’incroyable histoire du facteur cheval

1h45 - Drame, Film biographique - Franco-Belge - Général (G)


À la fin du 19e siècle en Drôme habite Ferdinand Cheval, un infatigable facteur solitaire. Éprouvé par le destin et parlant peu, il cherche parfois à échapper au genre humain en frayant le plus possible avec la nature. Un jour, il rencontre Philomène, une veuve rayonnante dont il tombe amoureux. Leur union donnera naissance à Alice. Plus ou moins à l’aise avec cet enfant, Ferdinand décide de lui construire de ses propres mains un palais. Il consacrera des décennies à ériger cette structure visionnaire, devenant la risée des habitants du village qui ne comprennent pas son obsession.

Synopsis ©

Date de sortie au Québec : 5 juillet 2019


Pas d'chicane dans ma cabane !

Pas d'chicane dans ma cabane !

1h23 - Comédie - Québec - Accord Parental (PG)


Justine is about to finish her sixth grade and she is fed up with her parents fighting all the time. Perhaps she will be happier if they get divorced? In order to force their hand, the preadolescent decides to create her own court. The spectacle of the end of the school year will serve as a pretext for this purpose. In the company of her friends, she must find young people from her entourage who will serve as lawyers and judges. When his plan turns into obsession, his friendships risk suffering. Especially since the situation could very well escape him... Synopsis ©


La petite sorciére

La petite sorciére

1h43 - Film fantastique - Switzerland, Germany - Général (G)


La petite sorcière, âgée de seulement 127 ans, vit dans les bois avec son fidèle corbeau parlant Abraxas. Quand elle s’introduit par infraction au grand bal des sorcières, elle est punie : elle devra apprendre, en un an seulement, les 7 892 sorts du grand livre de magie. Même si le travail acharné n’est pas dans sa nature, la petite sorcière fera beaucoup d’efforts afin d’étudier méticuleusement les milliers d’enchantements et ainsi prouver sa valeur à ses consoeurs. Elle comprendra rapidement que devenir une « bonne sorcière » ne signifie pas nécessairement devenir une « gentille sorcière ». ©


Les nouvelles aventure de Gulliver

Les nouvelles aventure de Gulliver

1h30 - Animation - Ukraine, Chypre - Général (G)


Adventurer Gulliver is invited to return to the island of Lilliput, which he previously rescued from the enemy fleet of Blefuscu. When he arrived there, he noticed that the Lilliputians were waiting for the legendary Giant Gulliver to save them from another attack from their enemies. The islanders had even built special facilities to accommodate a colossus. Disappointed, the king ordered the execution of Gulliver. It will therefore have to prove that it is not necessary to be a giant to accomplish great things. Synopsis©




1h28 - Film policier - France - Accord Parental (PG)14A


Maigret is investigating the mysterious death of a young woman. She was stabbed several times and had no family or friends. This does not prevent the Commissioner from dragging his fatigue and weariness by conducting his investigation and interviewing potential witnesses, without skimping on any details. He meets a couple who will soon get married and Betty, a woman who strangely resembles the victim and who awakens in him the memory of another disappearance, of a ghost that comes and goes in his existence. Synopsis©


Mia et le lion blanc

Mia et le lion blanc

1h38 - Aventure, Drame, Famille - Canada - Accord Parental (PG)


Mia and her family have just moved to South Africa, where her parents run a livestock farm. At the age of 11, Mia is not happy with her new life, until a lion cub named Charlie arrives. For the following years, Mia and Charlie were inseparable. Unfortunately, when Charlie reaches adulthood for a lion and John, Mia’s father, decides that it would be better to get rid of the animal before he hurts someone. Refusing to deliver her best friend to a trophy hunter, Mia runs away with Charlie. She decides to cross Africa to reach the wild reserve of Timbavati where Charlie will be safe. Synopsis ©


En attendant Bojangles

En attendant Bojangles

2h04 - Comédie, Drame - Franco-Belge - 14AAccord Parental (PG)


Camille and Georges dance all the time on their favorite song Mr Bojangles. At home, there is only room for pleasure, fantasy and friends. Until the day when the mother goes too far, forcing Georges and their son Gary to do everything to avoid the inevitable at all costs. Synopsis©




1h29 - Animation - France


Pil is a young orphan living in the city streets of Roc-en-Brume with her tamed weasels. One day, she sneaks into the castle to steal food and unwittingly attends a disturbing scene as the regent Tristain transforms the crown prince Roland into a chapoul (half cat, half hen) in order to rule in his place. Roland promises Pil a treasure if she helps him to recover his throne. The child will then embark on an incredible adventure that will lead him to understand that nobility is not defined by the clothes that one wears. Synopsis ©


Belle et Sébastion 3, le dernier chapitre

Belle et Sébastion 3, le dernier chapitre

1h32 - Aventure - France - Général (G)


Sébastien vit toujours avec César, Pierre et Angelina près de sa montagne chérie. Belle est maintenant la mère de trois adorables chiots en parfaite santé. Malheureusement, ce bonheur est de courte durée, alors qu’un homme se présente à la ferme déclarant que Belle est sa chienne qu’il cherche depuis plus de 4 ans. Sébastien et César refusent de rendre l’animal à ce Joseph, qui semble sombre et cruel. Ne comptant pas repartir sans sa propriété, Joseph décide de kidnapper la chienne de même que sa progéniture. Sébastien et son fidèle ami César vont braver le froid et les intempéries pour récupérer leur amie canine et la mettre en sureté.

Synopsis ©

Date de sortie au Québec : 25 janvier 2019


C'est magnifique !

C'est magnifique !

1h38 - Comédie - France - Accord Parental (PG)


Pierre Feuillebois has lived with his parents since his youngest age cut off from the rest of the world. After their deaths, Pierre’s world collapsed when he discovered that his mother and father were not his biological parents. And as if that were not enough, there is no legal record of its existence. Confronted for the first time with the meanderings of modern society, the man in his forties goes in search of answers about his origins, helped by Anna. But the more he progresses in his research, the more Pierre strangely loses his colors, until he becomes invisible. Synopsis©


Ainbo, princesse d'Amazonie

Ainbo, princesse d'Amazonie

1h24 - Animation - Pérou, Pays-Bas, US - Accord Parental (PG)Général (G)


Ainbo is a 13-year-old girl, spirited and stubborn. She was born in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, the place she calls her home and which is so dear to her heart. That is why she will fight deforestation, a scourge that has plagued her near her home for too long, while her enemies try to find gold. To achieve this, she will appeal to her great friends and spiritual guides: Vaca, a vigorous although awkward tapir and Dillo, a teasing tatou. Will Ainbo overcome the constant threat? Synopsis©


Le grand bain

Le grand bain

2h02 - Comédie - France - Général (G)


Depressed, Bertrand has not worked in two years. In order to regain the taste for life, this husband and father decides to join a men’s synchronized swimming team. He discovers men like him, wounded by everyday life, who find refuge in this aquatic practice. Beings like Laurent, Marcus, Thierry and Simon who try to see more clearly in their existence, just like their coach Delphine. What was only a moment of escape turns into a real challenge when the team decides to participate in a swimming championship in Norway. Synopsis ©


La course des tuques

La course des tuques

1h29 - Animation - Québec - Général (G)


François Les Lunettes et Zac, le nouveau du village, s’affrontent dans la traditionnelle course de luges. Quand François perd lamentablement à la suite d’une défectuosité de son super bolide, il est convaincu que son adversaire a triché et est déterminé à le prouver. Lorsqu’il parvient à ses fins, Zac accepte de l’affronter à nouveau, mais à une condition : s’il gagne, il deviendra propriétaire de la grange. Zac, sans scrupule, convainc sa cousine Charlie de l’aider à espionner le camp adverse afin de lui donner des munitions pour mieux écraser son opposant. François Les Lunettes devra user de stratégies et d’agilité pour gagner et protéger ce qui lui est cher.

Synopsis ©

Date de sortie au Québec : 7 décembre 2018




1h44 - Comédie, Aventure - Québec - Général (G)Accord Parental (PG)


Five astronauts are sent to Mars. In order to avoid and solve possible interpersonal problems between the crew, a mission also takes place on Earth. Individuals who have the same profile as astronauts are recruited by the Viking Society to participate in in-camera simulations where they must behave like their models. It’s the chance of a lifetime for David to become John. Over the course of the days and the directives, the harmony between the crew gradually deteriorates with power games. David takes the exercise very seriously and nothing and no one can distract him from his mission. Synopsis ©




1h49 - Film policier - Québec - 14AAccord Parental (PG)


Gerald Gallant was raised by a tough, stern mother who did not hesitate to diminish him in the eyes of all. The frail stutterer now leads a peaceful life in a quiet neighborhood with his wife. Yet this facade without history hides serious sins. In fact, Gérald Gallant is one of Montreal’s most prolific hit men. His record includes no less than twenty-eight murders and fifteen attacks, mostly bikers and high-ranking mobsters. Gallant also works in collaboration with the police and does not hesitate to sell those around him. Synopsis©


Parvana : une enfance en Afghanistan

Parvana : une enfance en Afghanistan

1h34m - Animation - Irlande, Canada, Luxembourg


Une petite fille vivant en Afghanistan se déguise en garçon afin de pouvoir travailler et faire vivre sa famille.




1h32 - Animation - France, Canada - Général (G)


Since she was a child, Georgia Nolan has only one dream: to become a firefighter, like her father. Unfortunately, in New York in 1930, women were excluded from the profession. When city firefighters disappear one by one in mysterious fires burning Broadway theatres to the ground, Georgia sees a golden opportunity. She disguises herself as «Joe», a clumsy young man, in order to join the team of improvised firefighters in charge of arresting the arsonist. Georgia will have to preserve her false identity at all costs, including in front of her own father who is conducting this high-risk investigation. With the voices of Alice Pol, Vincent Cassel and Valérie Lemercier, VAILLANTE is a touching comedy about family, teamwork and the courage to pursue your dreams. Synopsis©


Pieds nus dans l'aube & Isla Blanca

Pieds nus dans l'aube & Isla Blanca

1h54 - Film biographique - Québec - Général (G)


En février 1927, Félix Leclerc termine sa 12e année. Alors qu'il livre du bois avec son père et ses frères, il fait la rencontre de Fidor, un jeune homme issu d'un milieu défavorisé, bien différent des gens qu'il a l'habitude de fréquenter. Les deux garçons développent une belle amitié, mais devront se séparer puisque Félix doit partir étudier à Ottawa dans un collège classique. Bien que conscient de la chance que représente cette opportunité, Félix redoute le fait de quitter sa famille et toutes ces choses si familières auxquelles il tient profondément.
Synopsis ©


Diamant noir

Diamant noir

1h55 - Drame - France - 14A


Warning: Scenes, comments or images may clash with the sensitivity of viewers Pier Ulmann lives in Paris, between construction sites and robberies that he commits on behalf of Rachid, his only "family". His story catches up with him the day his father is found dead in the street, after a long lapse. As the pet of a rich diamond family based in Antwerp, he leaves nothing to him, except the story of his banishment by the Ulmanns and a bitter thirst for revenge. At the invitation of his cousin Gabi, Pier went to Antwerp to renovate the offices of the prestigious firm Ulmann. Rachid’s instruction is simple: “You go there to see, and to take.” But a diamond has many facets… Synopsys Allociné.fr


Noël & Cie

Noël & Cie

1h40 - Comédie - France, Belgique - Général (G)


Christmas is fast approaching. While Santa and his wife collect the letters from the children, the goblins are busy building the gifts. When 92,000 leprechauns get sick at the same time, only 92,000 tubes of vitamin C can cure them. Santa gets on his reindeer to try to find the cure and he lands in Paris. Everyone thinks he’s crazy, and he’s quickly imprisoned. Collected by a lawyer and his family who decide to help him, Santa has little time to find a solution. Synopsis ©


Le retour du héros

Le retour du héros

1h30 - Comédie - France, Belgique - Général (G)


Charles-Grégoire Neuville est un séducteur crapuleux. Alors qu'il courtise Pauline, ce dernier doit quitter son pays pour l'Autriche. Celle-ci restant sans nouvelle de lui depuis son départ, sa soeur Élisabeth décide de rédiger quelques lettres en prétendant être son Charles-Grégoire. Cette supercherie dura près de trois ans durant lesquels Élisabeth fait de Neuville un héros de guerre, décédé dans des circonstances héroïques. Son plan aurait fonctionné à la perfection si Neuville n'était pas réapparu comme un sans-abri grossier et inélégant. Catapulté dans un nouveau rôle, ce dernier se sent à nouveau comme le capitaine Neuville, homme séduisant et charmant. Exaspérée, Élisabeth ne sait combien de temps leur mensonge tiendra la route...
Synopsis ©


Au nord d'Albany

Au nord d'Albany

1h47 - Drame - Québec - Général (G)Accord Parental (PG)


A sudden event forced Annie to leave Montreal with her children Sarah and Félix. On their way to Florida, their car broke down near a small village of the Adirondacks. Since the repair cannot be done for a few days, the family must be patient. Annie puts pressure on mechanic Paul, an irascible single father. Meanwhile, 15-year-old Sarah is desperately searching for her diary, forming a relationship with Paul’s teenage daughter Hope. Each person seems to hide a secret and maybe together they can face their past. Synopsis ©


Royal Corgi

Royal Corgi

1h25 - Animation - Franco-Belge - Général (G)


Rex is a Corgi dog, but not just any Corgi, he’s the Queen of England’s favorite. Given as a gift to the latter by Prince Philippe, it has been an icon for the whole country and always at the side of the sovereign. Until one day, during a dinner with the President of the United States, he bites the President by accident. In the face of the queen’s anger, he runs away and finds himself in the pound. While he wants at all costs to come back to his mistress, Charlie, his former best friend, works hard to steal his place of favorites. With his new friends, Rex will try everything to return to the fold. Synopsis


L'arracheuse de temps

L'arracheuse de temps

1h54 - Aventure, Film fantastique - Québec - Accord Parental (PG)


In 1988, Bernadette tried to reassure her grandson, Fred, who was worried about his death, by telling him that Death no longer exists. The sick old lady will tell him how, in 1927, the inhabitants of the village of Saint-Élie-de-Caxton managed, through incredible towers, to eliminate the great reaper, after a lightning bolt struck the apple tree of the church, leaving a foretaste of unhappiness. Synopsis ©


Sauver ou périr

Sauver ou périr

1h57 - Drame - France - Accord Parental (PG)


Franck est un sapeur-pompier depuis l’âge de 18 ans. Il travaille à Paris, habitant sur la caserne avec son épouse qui vient d’accoucher de jumelles. Son objectif a toujours été d’aider les gens dans le besoin. Motivé et bien entraîné, le jeune homme reçoit enfin l’autorisation d’intervenir sur les incendies. Lors d’un appel de feu, il se sacrifie pour sauver ses hommes. Grièvement blessé, Franck passe huit semaines dans le coma, pour découvrir à son réveil que son visage a fondu dans les flammes. Il devra se construire une nouvelle identité et réapprendre à vivre, ce qui risque d’avoir des conséquences insoupçonnées sur son entourage.

Synopsis ©

Date de sortie au Québec : 12 avril 2019


La Bolduc

La Bolduc

1h43 - Film biographique - Québec - Général (G)


Peu de temps après que Mary Travers ait rencontré Édouard Bolduc, ils se sont mariés et ont commencé à fonder une famille. Quand Édouard perd son emploi à l'usine, Mary accepte de remplacer un violoniste dans une soirée folklorique. La jeune femme connaît rapidement le succès dans un Québec en plein changement, qui vit ses premiers élans de la lutte pour les droits de la femme. Mary Travers Bolduc se fera appeler dès lors La Bolduc par le public et sera rapidement confrontée à de grands débats moraux : rester auprès de ses enfants ou partir en tournée et subvenir aux besoins matériels de sa famille.
Synopsis ©


2 Frogs dans l'ouest

2 Frogs dans l'ouest

1h37 - Comédie, Drame - Canada - 14AAccord Parental (PG)


Against the advice of her parents, 20-year-old Marie Deschamps decided to drop out of school and go to Whistler in western Canada. She wants to have new experiences and improve her English. Alone and without money, she meets a Quebecker living in Whistler, JF, who takes her home. She befriends him and his roommates: a warm homosexual and an outgoing bipolar with whom she begins a relationship. As winter arrives, she finally finds a job and begins to experience the way of life of mountain lovers. Synopsis ©


Les 12 travaux d'Imelda

Les 12 travaux d'Imelda

1h33 - Comédie, Drame - Québec - Général (G)Accord Parental (PG)


Imelda lives in Gentilly with her pip dog. The great pleasure of this ninety-something is to control her entourage and especially that of her family. Her notary sons Jean and André live near her home and they often pay the price for this woman who does not have her tongue in her pocket. Otherwise, she has focused on Simone, her sufferer for several decades. Knowing that no one is eternal, Imelda thinks back to the past and especially to the great love of her youth, trying to settle what is important to her before moving from life to death. Synopsis ©


Boule et Bill 2

Boule et Bill 2

1h26 - Comédie - France - Général (G)


Boule’s father now writes comics based on the adventures of his son Boule and his dog Bill. His new editor demands that he give up happiness and freshness and that he now tackle sad and dark stories. Too happy to compose this kind of dramatic story, he decides to generate chaotic situations in his daily life so that inspiration comes to him. For her part, Boule is in love with Stéphanie, but she seems to love the new boy of the school, a young rebel named Wilfried. Synopsis ©


7 jours pas plus

7 jours pas plus

1h31 - Comédie, Drame - France, Belgique


Quel est le point commun entre une vache qui tombe du ciel, un quincaillier célibataire et maniaque, un jeune Indien perdu, et une jolie normande qui aime les quincailliers maniaques ? Une simple question: tout ce qui nous arrive relève-t-il vraiment du hasard ?


Ella Bella Bingo

Ella Bella Bingo

1h15 - Animation - Norvégien


Ella Bella and Henry are best friends, and plan on making a circus together, but when cool kid Johnny arrives in town he becomes Henry's new best friend, making Ella jealous and jeopardising the circus.

cIneMAGINE Society of Alberta

2104 6 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB

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